Archive for April, 2009



April 22, 2009


I’ve just finished showering and everything and I’m heading to bed very soon, right after I blog. I just had an urge to blog. Must be a good thing. I’m so tempted to watch at least one episode of either GG, One Tree Hill, 90210 or Skins right. But it’s already like, 1.30am so I guess I better not hahah. I have a mid-sem MCQ test tomorrow on Microeconomics! Just finished studying a while ago. I thought assignments and school work would tone down a bit after the horrible Accounting assignment, cause at that moment I felt nothing was more cruel than that.. but I have like 2 more assignments due on Monday. And while I was showering I just remembered I have an Accounting mid-sem test on Tuesday! Fuckkkkk. This time, it’s not an MCQ test, its freaking accounting. God help me. But I guess I shouldn’t be complaining (that much). This weekend won’t be much fun. Shit.

Aaaaaanyways. I was browsing through some sites and found this.


Chanel gun-heel shoes

Chanel gun-heel shoes

This is soo weird. Fine, it’s unique, but it’s so.. odd =\ Yeah um this is kinda weird cos I don’t normally post stuff like this but yeah hahaha.

Oh yeah, check this out!

HAHAHAHAHAH so damn stupid and funny. 

Ok I have nothing to blog about now. Bye.


Under the ocean.

April 20, 2009

Ok, I have planned to stay up until I go to school and hand in my assignment. It’s freaking 7am now. My assignment is due at 10am, but I’m just gonna go early and hand it in since I plan to sleep the whole afternoon away after staying up the whole day and night doing my Accounting assignment. I woke up at 12pm and have been doing my assignment since, without stopping for more than half an hour. I have neverrrr ever ever stayed up the whole damn night just doing my assignment. Accounting is just too tedious!! I finished all my answers at like 7pm. But from then til now, I’ve been putting it all onto Excel, and checking for errors. Anyway there is no point of going to sleep now. If I miss the deadline today it’s gonna cost me 10% of my marks 😥 I’m skipping my Management lecture later, haha. 

Wow my stomach just grumbled really loud. I didnt eat much today, just had Nando’s for dinner with Hayes and Michelle. Hayes came over and helped me with my assignment, omg I don’t think I could have even finished half my assignment if he didn’t. Accounting whizzz.  

I’ll blog about Sydney another day, when I’m in the mood. I feel like my neck is breaking. I think I’ll go to school soon cos I’m like falling asleep. But why does it have to be so cold!! 😦



April 6, 2009

It’s really cold today and I’m sick, thanks to the weather. Ugh 😦 Weekend has been everything but work, unfortunately. I need to start on my assignments in the next few days because on Sunday we’re off to…… SYDNEY! Yayyyy 😀 Ok cant get too happy now cause I still have to get through my assignments. I also have to make sure I’m all well by then because I dont want to be sick in Sydney 😦 

On Saturday we went to the city and had dinner in Pepper Chilli (or was it Chilli Pepper?) in Chinatown to have szechuan food. I had a sore throat then, but I still went to eat anyways. After the dinner, I stepped out of the restaurant and had this major headache. It lasted for the whole night. We walked to Melb Central to catch a movie – Shinjuku Incident, starring Jackie Chan and Daniel Wu (:D). Although I slept for like half the movie (cos of the stupid headache), I think it was a good movie. I’m gonna download it and watch it again soon. Omg it was really cold that night. After the movie, we went to Stokers, this pancake place. Omg, their pancakes are so good!! I love it. Wayyyy better than Pancake Parlour (which isn’t very good in the first place anyway). The place is very old-fashioned.. lights dim and old music playing in the background, its very nice. 

Went back to Freddy’s place after that and just died on the bed cos I was so tired and sick. On Sunday, I woke up at 5pm. Then I realised it was actually 4pm because of the daylight savings, so Melbourne is now only 2 hours ahead of Brunei. Anyway I wasted the whole Sunday away, except when I was reading my Accounting textbook in bed. It’s progress but definitely not enough 😦 I cannot wait for Thursday afternoon when the Easter break finally starts! 

I got home from class just now and started taking out my clothes and arranging them, since I bought a clothes storage thing from Ikea the other day. Thennn I started ironing my clothes. Goddamnnn I miss home. I miss the carefree life we used to have. Just drive wherever we wanted to go instead of taking the bus all the time. Sometimes I would come out of my building and before I even take the 2 flights of stairs down, I see the bus already at the bus stop and I just swear to myself, ‘fuck!’. It happened the other day, and the next bus was in 27mins and my class was going to start in about 15mins. I know people from Rusden always walk to school, but I didn’t know the way at all. So I looked across and there was this guy waiting to cross the road and I walked across and asked him whether he was going to Monash and asked if I could follow him cos I didnt know the way. So yeah, thats how I made another friend, I guess. That was the very first time I walked to school. So cool! 😀 And no I am not going to continue walking to school because its getting colder and walking in the cold is just pure torture. Speaking of buses, I lost my monthly bus card!! Omg this is just great. I paid $73 for that shit! And I lost it just days after using it. So today I bought a 2×10 bus card, which is good as well because holidays are coming up so I dont have to use it as often. It costed me $23. Sigh. I’m getting sick of having to withdraw money every time. 

I’ve gotta go and do some Accounting questions for the tute tomorrow. 

I hate the weather.